ACT 13-4
明日じゃだめなんですか? It’s not okay to do that tomorrow?
BTS 10 Adjective stem + 目
BTS 11 Negative non-past Sentence と Sentence
BTS 12 Noun では・Noun じゃ + いけない・だめ・よくない・まずい
BTS 13 気
BTS 14 Sentence + とき(に)
Activity Book
☊13-4-1C. Scanning for 気 (BTS 12)「気」を探そう ☊13-4-2C. When does the call occur? (BTS 13) いつの話? ☊13-4-3P Endorsing the suggested trait (BTS 11) 提案を支持する ☊13-4-4P Responding to an objection (BTS 10, 11) 問題に対応する |
Teaching tips and AB Audio scripts available at Teacher Site.