Friday, September 20, 2024

Review by topic

Conversation strategies

  1. “Echo” questions (2-2 BTS 7)
  2. Buying time (hesitation noises) (2-2 BTS 8)
  3. ちょっと (2-2 BTS 9)
  4. Buying time: う〜ん、いや(あ)、そうですね(え) (2-7 BTS 27)
  5. 日本語で何といいますか (3-1 BTS 3)
  6. ああ、なるほど (3-1 BTS 6)
  7. Conversational strategies (3-3 BTS 13)
  8. Incomplete sentences (3-4 BTS 21)
  9. へ〜 (3-5 BTS 24)
  10. 相槌: そうなんだ、なるほど、確かに、やっぱり、ふうん、へえ (8-5 BTS 14)
  11. Compliments and encouragement (9-6 BTS 18)
  12. Apologizing (10-2 BTS 5)
  13. Restoring self-image after a mishap (10-5 BTS 10)
  14. Business phone conversation (11-1 BTS 2)
  15. Sentenceっていうこと (12-1 BTS 2)
  16. なんか (13-1 BTS 2)
  17. Repetition for dramatic effect (14-6 BTS 19)
  18. Recall strategy (16-2 BTS 6)
  19. と・って言うか (18-3 BTS 9)
  20. More on 相槌 (19-6 BTS 9)
  21. More on 相槌 (20-6 BTS 13)
  22. Being creative with language (21-1 BTS 1)
  23. その[Modifier] + noun (discourse strategy) (21-4 BTS 8)
  24. だから as a discourse connector (21-6 BTS 12)
  25. Expression frustration in a professional setting (22-1 BTS 2)


  1. The past used in recall (4-5 BTS 21)
  2. Sentence + っけ (14-5 BTS 15)
  3. Recall strategy (16-2 BTS 6)


  1. お辞儀 (0-0 BTS 0-2)
  2. Titles 〜さんand 〜先生 (1-2 BTS 2)
  3. Informal affirmative (non-past) form of Adjectives (2-3 BTS 15)
  4. Informal affirmative of [Nounです] (2-5 BTS 18)
  5. Nounだ (3-4 BTS 18)
  6. Incomplete Sentences (3-4 BTS 21)
  7. 先輩・後輩 (2-8 BTS 30)
  8. Polite requests (5-4 BTS 5)
  9. 敬語 (5-5 BTS 10)
  10. Name + といいます・おっしゃいます・申します (6-2 BTS 6)
  11. 名刺交換 & More on politeness (6-4 BTS 14 & 15)
  12. Humble verbs お〜します (6-5 BTS 21)
  13. 知ります・存じます・ご存知です (6-6 BTS 27)
  14. More on informal style (7-3 BTS 10)
  15. Visiting someone’s home (8-3 BTS 7)
  16. Male and female speech style (8-3 BTS 9)
  17. Polite prefixes お〜 and ご〜 (8-3 BTS 8)
  18. Giving and appreciating gifts (8-4 BTS 11)
  19. More on politeness (10-3 BTS 6)
  20. Polite equivalent of [Nounです] Nounでいらっしゃいます・Nounでございます (polite)
  21. Polite verbs お待ちください・お決まりですか?
  22. More polite expressions
  23. Honorific passive: 休憩される (13-1 BTS 1)
  24. Self-directed comments: 一休みするか (13-1 BTS 5)
  25. Punctuality and seniority (15-3 BTS 6)
  26. わかんない (19-2 BTS 5)
  27. Honorific お + Verb stem + に + なる (20-1 BTS 1)
  28. Sentence Particle わ (20-6 BTS 8)
  29. Contractions (20-6 BTS 9)
  30. Sentence particle ぞ (21-4 BTS 7)
  31. かしら (22-2 BTS 6)
  32. Special humble nouns: 拝借 (22-3 BTS 7)
  33. Sentence particle ぜ (23-2 BTS 4)


Narratives Useful grammar patterns for constructing narratives
1.     Storytelling (11-6 BTS 15)

2.     で at the beginning of a Sentence (12-3 BTS 8)

3.     手順 (15-4 BTS 8)

4.     More on storytelling (19-6 BTS 10)

5.     More on storytelling (20-6 BTS 10)

6.     起承転結20-7R (BTL 1)

7.     Constructing a narration with multiple participants (21-5 BTS 9)

8.     だから as a discourse connector (21-6 BTS 12)

9.     Connectives (22-11 BTS 11)


1.     けど・けれども・が for Contrast/Background information (2-4 BTS 16)

2.     〜から Reasons (5-5 BTS 12)

3.     それに (7-5 BTS 30)

4.     Transitive Verb 〜てある (9-1 BTS 3)

5.     だって(さ) + Sentence (9-5 BTS 13)

6.     Giving personal reasons: もん・もの (9-5 BTS 14)

7.     Specifying order of events: Verb 〜てから (9-6 BTS 15)

8.     Giving an explanation: Sentence ので (10-1 BTS 3)

9.     Verbs of giving: くれる・くださる and 〜てくれる・くださる

10.  Verb〜てしまう・ちゃう (12-2 BTS 5)

11.  Verbs of receiving: もらう・いただく and 〜てもらう・いただく (12-4 BTS 9)

12.  〜たり〜たり (13-6 BTS 16)

13.  Transitive and intransitive verbs (14-1 BTS 1)

14.  Non-past Verb + 前(に) (14-3 BTS 9)

15.  Non-past Verb + まで(に) (14-3 BTS 11)

16.  Past Verb + あとで (14-4 BTS 13)

17.  Condition + うち (に) (14-4 BTS 14)

18.  〜ながら (17-1 BTS 1)

  1. Causative verbs (17-3)
  2. Passive verbs (18-1)

21.  かえって (20-2 BTS 4)

22.  Passive for general description (21-3 BTS 4)

  1. Passive causative (23-3)

Tasks & Topics:

Asking Questions

  1. Question intonation 1-10 (BTS 19)
  2. か (2-1 BTS 3; questions without か 4-4 BTS 15)
  3. Questions with falling intonation (2-5 BTS 21)
  4. [Noun + Phrase Particle] as a question (4-2 BTS 7)
  5. Questions without か 4-4 BTS 15
  6. Embedded yes/no questions (12-2 BTS 4)
  7. Embedded information questions (12-3 BTS 6)


  1. Adjective んです (6-5 BTS 19)
  2. More on んです (7-1 BTS 4)
  3. つもり to indicate assumption (15-5 BTS 11)

Expressing opinions

  1. Sentence + でしょうか (4-1 BTS 2)
  2. Sentence でしょう? (5-2 BTS 2)
  3. Sentenceと思う (7-4 BTS 12)
  4. 優しそう Appearance (8-5 BTS 12)
  5. だろう (8-5 BTS 13)
  6. Advice and suggestions: 〜た方がいい (13-1)
  7. Agreeing and disagreeing: Sentence + 通り(に)/その通り(に)(13-3 BTS 9)
  8. Sentence + かと思う:無理かと思う (14-1 BTS 2)
  9. Sentence + かと思った (14-5 BTS 16)
  10. Sentence + じゃない(いいじゃない)(14-5 BTS 17)
  11. Non-past affirmative Sentence + べき (16-1 BTS 1)
  12. Expressing an opinion: Sentence + ように思う (16-6 BTS 11)
  13. Sentence + はず (17-2 BTS 3)


  1. Contrast/Background information (2-4 BTS 16)
  2. Contrast (2-6 BTS 22)
  3. Comparison: Noun + と + Sentence (6-6 BTS 25)
  4. Comparison of two items より and ほど(6-6 BTS 24)
  5. Comparison of three or more things: 一番 (9-4 BTS 10)
  6. Comparison of two activities (10-6 BTS 12)

Giving a self-introduction

  1. 自己紹介 (1-4 BTS 7, 8, 9)
  2. Repeating your name in a self-introduction (1-10 BTS 20)
  3. 自己紹介 (6-1 BTS 4)
  4. Name + といいます・おっしゃいます・申します (6-2 BTS 8)
  5. Workplace self-introduction (discourse structure) (24-5 BTS 10)

Giving a speech

  1. Structure of a simple gratitude speech (24-1 BTS 1)
  2. Leading a toast (discourse structure) (24-2 BTS 2)
  3. Formal speech when moving on (discourse structure) (24-3 BTS 5)
  4. Impromptu farewell speech structure (24-4 BTS 7)

Giving explanations

  1. 〜から Reasons (5-5 BTS 12)
  2. Adjective んです (6-5 BTS 19)
  3. Giving an explanation: Sentence ので (10-1 BTS 3)
  4. どうして・なぜ〜んですか・なんで〜んですか (9-3 BTS 8)
  5. だって(さ) + Sentence (9-5 BTS 13)
  6. Giving personal reasons: もん・もの (9-5 BTS 14)

Giving advice

  1. Advice and suggestions: 〜た方がいい (13-1)
  2. Prohibition: affirmative Verb 〜ては・ちゃ+いけない・ダメ・よくない・まずい (13-2 BTS 7)
  3. Requirement or necessity: negative 〜なくては・なくちゃ+いけない・ダメ・ならない・よくない・まずい (14-6 BTS 18)
  4. Non-past affirmative Sentence + べき (16-1 BTS 1)
  5. Negative Imperative (23-2 BTS 2)
  6. Affirmative Imperative (23-2 BTS 3)


  1. Conditional〜たら + non-past Sentence (11-1 BTS 1)
  2. Conditional〜たら+past Sentence 知っていたら (11-4 BTS 9)
  3. Affirmative non-past Sentence1とSentence2 (12-4 BTS 13)
  4. もしかしたら・もしかすると (12-6 BTS 20)
  5. Hypothetical statements: 〜としたら
  6. Provisional form: 〜ば (16-2 BTS 4)
  7. たとえ……〜ても (18-6 BTS 13)
  8. 〜れば……ほど (20-5 BTS 7)
  9. Noun + さえ〜ば (22-3 BTS 8)


  1. Negative Questions as Invitations (2-3 BTS 11)
  2. Declining invitations (16-1 BTS 2)


  1. あと+ Noun (4-2 BTS 11)
  2. Noun, Noun, それから Noun (7-2 BTS 5)
  3. 例のNoun (13-3 BTS 8)
  4. 〜たり〜たり (13-6 BTS 16)
  5. XかY (21-4 BTS 10)
  6. など (22-2 BTS 5)
  7. Listing Things: XにYに (24-2 BTS 2)
  8. Xはもとより、Y、Z (24-2 BTS 5)
  9. X始め、Y、Z (24-3 BTS 7)
  10. X、またはY (24-4 BTS 12)


  1. Quotation with と・(っ)て (7-3 BTS 9)
  2. Hearsay: Sentence + そう (14-2 BTS 4)
  3. Relaying information: Sentence + とのことです (15-3 BTS 5)
  4. Noun + によると (17-4 BTS 8)
  5. Sentence + らしい (18-2 BTS 6)


  1. お願いします (1-3 BTS 6)
  2. Request (5-1 BTS 2)
  3. Polite requests 持ってきていただけますか (5-3BTS 5-3)
  4. Thanking 呼んでくださってありがとうございます (5-5 BTS 11)
  5. Negative commands and requests: 急がないで (8-2)
  6. Verb 〜てほしい (12-17 BTS 17)


  1. つもり to indicate intention (15-1 BTS 2)
  2. Collaborative planning (15-6 BTS 12)



Word order

  1. Inverted Sentences (3-6 BTS 32)
  2. Word order (4-6 BTS 28)


  1. これ、それ、あれ、どれ (2-1 BTS 2)
  2. The こちら series (2-4 BTS 17)
  3. The ここ and こっち series (2-7 BTS 28)
  4. The このseries (3-5 BTS 22)
  5. The こんなseries (8-1 BTS 2)
  6. The こう series (10-6 BTS 15)


  1. Adjective + Noun (2-3 BTS 13)
  2. Describing people: 背が高い・背が低い人 (6-3 BTS 13)
  3. Nouns modifying Nouns: Nの・なN (3-1 BTS 2)
  4. Sentence modifiers (7-5 BTS 14)
  5. 同じ (7-5 BTS 15)
  6. More on sentence modifiers (9-1 BTS 1)
  7. More on こと (分からないことが多くて) (10-5 BTS 9)
  8. Sentenceとか (10-6 BTS 11)
  9. Embedded yes/no questions (12-2 BTS 4)
  10. Description + まま (12-5 BTS 5)
  11. せっかく (13-1 BTS 6)
  12. その[Modifier] + noun (discourse strategy) (21-4 BTS 8)
  13. Xなり (21-2 BTS 2)

Manner expressions

  1. Xと一緒に ‘together with’ (3-3 BTS 17)
  2. Manner expressions: Adjectives –ku form + Sentence (4-1 BTS 3)
  3. Uses of the 〜て Forms (5-1 BTS 2)


  1. Adjective んです (6-5 BTS 19)
  2. More onんです (7-1 BTS 4)
  3. Negative ofんです (7-6 BTS 18)
  4. 〜んだから ‘Because, as you must surely know’ (8-2 BTS 5)
  5. どうして・なぜ〜んですか・なんで〜んですか (9-3 BTS 8)
  6. Successive んです: 寝不足なんじゃないの? (12-4 BTS 14)


  1. Verb 〜ています(6-1 BTS 2)
  2. もう+Sentence (already, yet, anymore) (6-1 BTS 2)
  3. まだ+Sentence (unchanged situation) (6-1 BTS 3)
  4. Verb〜てしまう・ちゃう (12-2 BTS 5)
  5. 〜ている間に (14-3 BTS 10)
  6. Past sentence + ばかり・ばっかり (22-1 BTS 1)


  1. Verb + ようになる (15-4 BTS 9)
  2. Sentence + みたい(に)・(よう)に (16-3 BTS 8)
  3. Sentence + ように言う (17-3 BTS 6)
  4. Sentence + からいいようなものの (19-5 BTS 9)


  1. Noun X + のこと (3-1 BTS 5)
  2. そのこと (4-4 BTS 16)
  3. 〜ことにする (11-3 BTS 7)
  4. Sentence + ことになる (12-6 BTS 19)




  1. Time expressions and classifiers 〜時、〜時半 (3-2 BTS 9)
  2. Numbers through 999 (3-5 BTS 25)
  3. Quantity x + quantity y (3-5 BTS 27)
  4. Large numbers 千・万 (4-1 BTS 4)
  5. Quantity + ぐらい (4-1 BTS 4)
  6. Approximation: 2, 3回 (8-6 BTS 16)
  7. Fractions: 3分の1 (9-3 BTS 6)
  8. Multiplication: 何倍 (9-6 BTS 17)


  1. Time expressions and classifiers 〜時、〜時半 (3-2 BTS 9)
  2. Classifiers〜円、〜ドル、〜セント、〜個、〜枚、〜本、〜冊 (3-5 BTS 25)
  3. Classifier〜番 (4-4 BTS 17)
  4. Naming vs. counting classifiers (4-6 BTS 29)
  5. 〜つJapanese numeral series and multiple classifiers in a sentence (5-3 BTS 6)
  6. Classifier 〜目 (5-6 BTS 16)
  7. Time classifier 〜間 (6-2 BTS 9)

Time words

  1. Time expressions and classifier 〜 時、〜時半 (3-2 BTS 9)
  2. Time expressions and classifier 〜 分 (BTS 3-4)
  3. Calendar and holidays
  4. Japanese numerals and naming dates in a month
  5. 毎日 ‘every day’ (8-1 BTS 3)
  6. Frequency expressions (8-6 BTS 15)
  7. X中〜 (10-2 BTS 4)
  8. [interval] おき (20-5 BTS 5)


  1. Noun だけ (4-2 BTS 9)
  2. More: もう and もっと (6-3 BTS 12)
  3. しか + negative (13-1 BTS 3)


Noun groups/Themes

  1. Basic Greetings (0-0 BTS 1)
  2. Moring greetings (1-6 BTS 12)
  3. Eating rituals (1-6 BTS 13)
  4. Names and Titles (1-7 BTS 14)
  5. Words for Self and Other (1-7 BTS 15)
  6. Sharing snacks (food items) (2-3 BTS 10)
  7. Words of self and others (1-7 BTS 15)
  8. Leaving (1-8 BTS 17)
  9. Words for home:うち、家、お宅 (2-5 BTS 21)
  10. Academic majors and areas of specialization 大学の専攻 (4-2 BTS 6)
  11. Calendar and holidays (4-4 BTS 18)
  12. Colors (adjective and noun forms) (6-3 BTS 11)
  13. Family (7-2 BTS 6)
  14. 都道府県 (9-4 BTS 11)
  15. Clothing and Verbs for wearing (11-2 BTS 5)
  16. Extended family and terms of address and reference (11-4 BTS 11)
  17. Onomatopoeia (11-5 BTS 14)
  18. Local promotional characters (12-1 BTS 3)
  19. Commuting in Japan (13-1 BTS 3)
  20. Describing health conditions (13-5 BTS 15)
  21. Japanese cuisine (14-3 BTS 8)
  22. Travel plans &  温泉と旅館 (15-2 BTS 3, 4)
  23. Weather expressions (18-1 BTS 4)
  24. ことわざ: Using proverbs (20-2 BTS 4)
  25. Physical conditions (20-4 BTS 6)
  26. Rules and regulations (23-1 BTS 2)
  27. Housing (23-5 BTS 5)


  1. 遠慮 ‘restraint’ (2-3 BTS 12)
  2. 思いやり ‘consideration’ negotiating a time for an activity (3-4 BTS 16)
  3. 曖昧 Ambiguity (4-2 BTS 12)
  4. 甘え Dependance (5-6 BTS 15)
  5. More on 思いやり (7-4 BTS 11)
  6. More on compliments (11-3 BTS 8)
  7. Togetherness (10-3 BTS 7)
  8. Transitive and intransitive verbs (14-1 BTS 1)
  9. 人間関係 (18-6 BTS 14)
