Tuesday, December 3, 2024

AB 3

3-1|3-2|3-3 |3-4 |3-5|3-6

3-1 日本語で何といいますか?

BTS 1  Pronouncing the Alphabet

BTS 2  Nouns Modifying Nouns: NounA no/na Noun B    NounA の・なNounB

BTS 3 日本語で何といいますか? Nihongo de nan to iimasu ka?   ‘What’s it called in Japanese?’ or ‘What would it be called in Japanese?’

BTS 4  Phrase Particle 〜って 〜tte

BTS 5  NounX + のこと  NounX + no koto ‘a matter of NounX’

BTS 6  ああ、なるほど   Aa, naruhodo   ‘Oh, of course’

☊3-1-1CP Asking about acronyms (BTS 1, 4, 5)

☊3-1-2P Agreeing with an opinion (BTS 2)

☊3-1-3P Confirming the topic before answering the question (BTS 2)

☊3-1-4P Picking up on a topic (BTS 4)

3-2 今何時ですか?

BTS 7  [Noun + は] and [Noun + Phrase Particle + は]    [Noun + I] and [Noun + Phrase Particle + wa]

BTS 8  Verb Stem 〜ましょう -mashoo forms

BTS 9  Time Expressions and Classifiers -時、-時半、-ji, -jihan

BTS 10 Phrase Particle とto

BTS 11 やっぱりYappari

BTS 12 Negative Questions with [Noun desu] or Adjectives

☊3-2-1C What’s going on? (BTS 12)

☊3-2-2P Saying “Let’s do it!” (BTS 8)

☊3-2-3P Confirming the time of an event (BTS 9, 12)

☊ 3-2-4P Telling who isn’t coming (BTS 7, 10)

3-3 スマフォじゃなくてスマホ。

BTS 13 Conversational Strategies

BTS 14 Loanwords 外来語 Gairaigo

☊ 3-3-1C What’s right? (BTS 13, 14)

☊ 3-3-2C What’s the loanword? (BTS 14)

☊ 3-3-3P Making explicit corrections (BTS 13)

☊ 3-3-4P Making corrections on mistaken identities (BTS 13)

3-4 一緒にしませんか?

BTS 15 PLACE  + で

BTS 16 思いやりOmoiyari: Negotiating a Time for an Activity

BTS 17 Xと一緒に NounX to issho ni

BTS 18 Noun だ Noun da

BTS 19 Time Expressions with Classifier 〜分-fun/-pun

BTS 20 TIME + に

BTS 21 Incomplete Sentences (7時15分に。Shichi-ji juugo-fun ni.)

☊ 3-4-1C What time is the train? (BTS 19)

☊3-4-2C Where did they study that language? (BTS 15)

☊3-4-3P Confirming that you’ve heard it right (BTS 16, 19, 20, 21)

3-5 高くないですか?

BTS 22 The この Series  Kono Series

BTS 23 X or Y?

BTS 24 へ〜   Hee

BTS 25 Numbers Through 999

BTS 26 Classifiers 〜円, 〜ドル, 〜セント, 〜個, 〜枚, 〜本,〜冊      –en, -doru, -sento, -ko, –mai, –hon and –satsu

BTS 27 QuantityX + QuantityY

BTS 28 The Noun の The Noun  no

☊ 3-5-1C Getting the details

☊ 3-5-2C How many are there? (BTS 25, 26)

☊3-5-3P Stating unit prices (BTS 22, 25, 26, 27)

☊3-5-4P Doing some quick math (BTS 18, 22, 25, 26, 27)

3-6 それは私のです。

BTS 29 More on Particle  の  More on Particle no: 私のです vs  新しいののどこですか。Watashi no desu vs Atarashii no no doko desu ka?

BTS 30 Location にあります ・いますLocation ni arimasu/imasu

BTS 31 Noun + も   Noun + mo

BTS 32 Inverted Sentences

BTS 33 Multiple Sentence Particles よね  yo ne

☊ 3-6-1C Identifying owners (BTS 29, 30, 31)

☊3-6-2P Claiming ownership (BTS 29)

☊3-6-3P Locating items (BTS 29, 30)

3-7R 何時ですか?

3-7-1R Asking questions.

3-7-2R Inviting to do something together

3-7-3W Nouns modifying Nouns

3-8R よろしくお願いします。

BTL 1 Particle wa は


3-8-1R Giving someone new information

3-8-2R: X or Y?

3-8-3W Filling in the blanks

3-9R お先に失礼します。

BTL 2 Soku-on (small っ)

BTL 3 Yoo-on (small ゃゅょ)

BTL 4 Handakuon: Maru (ぱぴぷぺぽ)

BTL 5 Fonts

BTL 6 Japanese Names


3-9-1R: Let’s do X together

3-9-2R Correcting information

3-9-3R Uses of では

☊3-9-4W Using furigana

ACT 3 評価 Hyooka Assessment

☊ 聞いてみよう Kiite Miyoo Listening Comprehension

  1. 0:11
  2. 0:19
  3. 0:38 (Oogaki Shooji -> Oogaki Shookai)
  4. 0:57
  5. 1:10
  6. 1:29
  7. 1:49

☊ 使ってみよう Tsukatte Miyoo Dry Run

  1. 0:07 (A)
  2. 0:33
  3. 1:25
  4. 2:36
  5. 2:43
  6. 0:12 (B)
  7. 1:13
  8. 1:25
  9. 1:48
  10. 1:59
  11. 2:08
  12. 2:18
  13. 2:28

読んでみよう Yonde miyoo Contextualized Reading


☊ 書き取り kakitori Dictation

ACT 3 Dictation (Quizlet)

  1. 0:11
  2. 0:14
  3. 0:18
  4. 0:23
  5. 0:27
  6. 0:31
  7. 0:36
  8. 0:40
  9. 0:45
  10. 0:50
  11. 0:55
  12. 1:00
  13. 1:05

書いてみよう Kaite miyoo Contextualized Writing


知ってる?Shitte’iru? What do you know?

ACT 3 List of BTS
