Friday, October 25, 2024

ACT 18-3

サーシャさんらしくないです。 It’s not like you.

BTS 7 Non-past Verb + しかない

BTS 8 Noun + らしい

BTS 9 と・って言うか


Quizlet 18-3

Activity Book

☊18-3-1C Meanings of noun+らしい (BTS 6 & 8)

☊18-3-2P Doing things out of responsibility 責任上仕方なく行う (BTS 7)

☊18-3-3P Doing some damage control 失言から立ち直る (BTS 8, 9)

☊18-3-4RP Giving mild correction 少し言い変える(BTS 9)


Symbol list

Teaching tips and AB Audio scripts available at Teacher Site.

ACT 18-2

ACT 18-4
