Friday, September 20, 2024

ACT 2-1

わかりますか? Wakarimasu ka. Do you understand?

BTS 1 Core Sentences: Verb / Adjective / Noun desu (non-past, formal)

BTS 2 これ、それ、あれ、どれ ‘this, that (near you), that (over there), which’ Kore, sore, are, dore

BTS 3 Sentence Particles か and ね ka and ne

BTS 4  Noun + Sentence

BTS 5  Affirming and Negating



Quizlet 2-1

Quizlet 2-1 (Romaji)


ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (verbs)-(type in Romanization)

ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (adjectives)-(type in Romanization)

ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (nouns)-(type in Romanization)

Activity Book

☊2-1-1C Yes or no? (BTS 1)

☊2-1-2P Affirming and negating (BTS 1, 2, 5)

☊2-1-3P Refuting an idea (BTS 1, 5)

☊2-1-4P Expressing doubt (BTS 1, 2, 3, 4)


Teaching tips and AB Audio scripts available at Teacher Site.

ACT 2-0

ACT 2-2
