ACT 2-8
何かありますか? Is there something (for me to do)? Nani ka arimasu ka?
BTS 29 Existence: あります arimasu ‘there is/are’ or ‘I have’
BTS 30 先輩・後輩 Senpai/Koohai Junior/Senior
ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (verbs)-(type in Romanization)
ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (adjectives)-(type in Romanization)
ACT 2: negative -nai desu forms (nouns)-(type in Romanization)
Activity Book
☊2-8-1C What’s going on? (BTS 29)
☊2-8-2P Checking on what’s being asked (BTS 29) |
Teaching tips and AB Audio scripts available at Teacher Site.