☊2-0-1C Responding to instructional expressions

☊2-0-2C Responding appropriately

☊2-0-3C What’s going on?

BTS 1 Core Sentences: Verb / Adjective / Noun desu (non-past, formal)
BTS 2 これ、それ、あれ、どれ ‘this, that (near you), that (over there), which’ Kore, sore, are, dore
BTS 3 Sentence Particles か and ね ka and ne
BTS 4 Noun + Sentence
BTS 5 Affirming and Negating
☊2-1-1C Yes or no? (BTS 1)

☊2-1-2P Affirming and negating (BTS 1, 2, 5)

☊2-1-3P Refuting an idea (BTS 1, 5)

☊2-1-4P Expressing doubt (BTS 1, 2, 3, 4)

BTS 6 Sentence Particle よ yo
BTS 7 “Echo” Questions
BTS 8 Buying Time (Hesitation Noises)
BTS 9 ちょっと Chotto ‘a little’
☊2-2-1C Checking the schedule (BTS 4, 6)

☊2-2-2C Knowing where they are coming from (BTS 3, 6)

☊2-2-3P Providing correction (BTS 1, 3, 6, 14)

☊2-2-4P Correcting a misconception (BTS 7, 8, 9)

BTS 10 Sharing Snacks
BTS 11 Negative Questions as Invitations
BTS 12 遠慮 Enryo ‘Restraint’
BTS 13 Adjective + Noun
BTS 14 Sentence Particle ねえ nee
BTS 15 Informal Affirmative (Non-Past) Form of Adjectives
☊2-3-1C What’s being offered? (BTS 10)

☊2-3-2C Accepted or declined? (BTS 11, 12)

☊2-3-3CP Inviting a colleague (BTS 11)

☊2-3-4P Expressing agreement (BTS 13, 14)

BTS 16 Core Sentence + けど Core Sentence + kedo ‘but’
BTS 17 The こちらSeries The kochira Series
☊2-4-1P Leaving it open-ended (BTS 16)

BTS 18 Informal Affirmative of [Noun です] Informal Affirmative of [Noun desu]
BTS 19 そう Soo ‘that way, so’
BTS 20 Questions with Falling Intonation
BTS 21 Words for Home:うち、家、お宅 uchi, ie, otaku
☊2-5-1C What’s going on? (BTS 7, 16, 17)

☊2-5-2C Asking or stating? (BTS 18)

☊2-5-3C Acknowledgment or disbelief? (BTS 19)

☊2-5-4P Responding to new information (BTS 19)

BTS 22 Noun X は? Noun X wa? ‘How about X?’
BTS 23 Sentence Particles ねえ・なあ nee and naa
BTS 24 Multiple Particles かなあ、かねえ ka naa, ka nee
BTS 25 Informal Negatives
☊2-6-1C What’s going on? (BTS 25)

☊2-6-2C What’s the style? (BTS 25)

☊2-6-3P Expressing uncertainty (BTS 17, 22, 23, 24)

☊2-6-4P Expressing uncertainty (BTS 23, 24, 25)

BTS 26 どうですか? Doo desu ka? ‘How is it?’
BTS 27 Buying Time: う〜ん、いや(ぁ) and そうですね(え) uun, iya(a) and soo desu ne(e)
BTS 28 The ここ and こっち Series Koko and Kotchi Series
☊2-7-1C Where is it? (BTS 28)

☊2-7-2P Answering questions

☊2-7-3P Refuting an idea (BTS 23)

BTS 29 Existence: あります arimasu ‘there is/are’ or ‘I have’
BTS 30 先輩・後輩 Senpai/Koohai Junior/Senior
☊2-8-1C What’s going on? (BTS 29)

☊2-8-2P Checking on what’s being asked (BTS 29)

BTL 1 平仮名 Hiragana
BTL 2 Punctuation (句読点)
BTL 3 Handwritten vs. Print Forms of Characters
BTL 4 Diacritics (tenten/daku-on)
BTL 5 Long Vowels
BTL 6 Tips for Writing Practice
2-9-1R Identifying things and people
2-9-2R Asking various questions
2-9-3W Writing furigana

☊聞いてみよう Kiite Miyoo Listening Comprehension

Now2A_A_1SLAB Listen
Audio Player
- 0:12
- 0:22
- 0:31
- 0:39
- 0:50
- 0:55
- 1:07
- 1:15
- 1:25
- 1:35
☊使ってみよう Tsukatte Miyoo Dry Run

Now2A_A_2 SLAB Dry Run A
Audio Player
- 0:08 (A)
- 0:14
- 0:22
- 0:30
- 0:37
- 0:45
- 0:53
- 1:01
- 0:16 (B)
- 0:22
- 0:43
- 1:06
- 1:40
- 1:52
読んでみよう Yonde miyoo Contextualized Reading
☊書き取り Kakitori Dictation
ACT 2 Dictation (Quizlet)
Now2A_A_5 RWAB Dictation
Audio Player
- 0:07
- 0:11
- 0:15
- 0:20
- 0:24
- 0:29
- 0:34
- 0:38
書いてみよう Kaite miyoo Contextualized writing
知ってる Shitte’ru? What do you know?
ACT 2 List of BTS & BTL