Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Volume 1 RW

ACT 1 読み書き Reading and Writing

BTL 1   Japanese Script

BTL 2   Kanji Readings

BTL 3   縦書きと横書き Tategaki and Yokogaki

BTL 4   振り仮名 Furigana.

BTL 5   原稿用紙 Genkooyooshi

1-15-1R Symbol Recognition

1-15-2R Symbol Recognition

2-9R おいしそうですね!

2-9R あ・こ・そ・れ・と・か・す・た・て・さ・し・ま・り・き・い・せ・ち・ら・ね・よ・う・え・お

BTL 1 平仮名 Hiragana

BTL 2 Punctuation (句読点)

BTL 3 Handwritten vs. Print Forms of Characters

BTL 4 Diacritics (tenten/daku-on)

BTL 5 Long Vowels

BTL 6 Tips for Writing Practice


2-9-1R Identifying things and people

2-9-2R Asking various questions

2-9-3W Writing furigana

3-7R 何時ですか?

3-7R の・な・く・み


3-7-1R Asking questions.

3-7-2R Inviting to do something together

3-7-3W Nouns modifying Nouns

3-8R よろしくお願いします。

3-8R ろ・も・は・け

BTL 1 Particle wa は


3-8-1R Giving someone new information

3-8-2R: X or Y?

3-8-3W Filling in the blanks

3-9R お先に失礼します。

3-9R つ・や・ゆ・わ・に・ほ・ひ・ふ・へ・む・め・ぬ・る

BTL 2 Soku-on (small っ)

BTL 3 Yoo-on (small ゃゅょ)

BTL 4 Handakuon: Maru (ぱぴぷぺぽ)

BTL 5 Fonts

BTL 6 Japanese Names


3-9-1R: Let’s do X together

3-9-2R Correcting information

3-9-3R Uses of では

☊3-9-4W Using furigana



BTL 1    About the Written Language じゃ vs. では

BTL 2   Particle を

BTL 3   Keyboard Input


4-7-1R Reporting where something or someone was or where something was taking place

4-7-2R Expressing or asking about limitation

4-7-3R Expressing contrast

4-7-4R Asking for information

4-7-5R Under human control or not

4-7-6R Preferred word order

☊ 4-7-7W fill-in-the-blank

☊ 4-7-8W Sentence completion

5-7R タクシーでいらしてください。

5-7R ア・イ・ウ・エ・オ・カ・キ・ク・ケ・コ・サ・シ・ス・セ・ソ・タ・チ・ツ・テ・ト・ナ・ニ・ヌ・ネ・ノ

BTL 1 Katakana

BTL 2 Long Vowels (長音)

BTL 3 Borrowed Words

BTL 4 Syllables Ending in Consonants

BTL 5 /ar/, /er/, /ir/, /ur/

BTL 6 /th/

BTL 7 Syllables Ending in Consonants (2)

BTL 8 /w/

BTL 9 Voiced Consonants (濁音・点々)

BTL 10 促音 (small ッ)

5-7-1R Introducing oneself

5-7-2R Seeking information about things and events

5-7-3R Correcting information

5-7-4R Asking for permission

5-7-5R Thank-you memos

5-7-6R Identifying an odd item

☊ 5-7-7W Making a shopping list

☊ 5-7-8W Writing down names

6-7R メニュー

6-7R ハ・ヒ・フ・ヘ・ホ・マ・ミ・ム・メ・モ・ヤ・ユ・ヨ・ラ・リ・ル・レ・ロ・ワ・ヲ・ン

BTL 1 /v/

BTL 2 /l/ and /r/

BTL 3 /th/

BTL 4 /wh/

BTL 5 Yoo-on 拗音: small ャュョ

BTL 6 ヲ

Additional Examples

6-7-1R Ordering food

6-7-2R Verifying where people are from

6-7-3R Asking for permission

6-7-4R Politely indicating where people are

6-7-5R Making requests

6-7-6R Stating what people are doing right now

6-7-7R Identifying an odd item

6-7-8W Checking if something has been done already

☊ 6-7-9W Getting to know new people
